Yikun Bi disc golf driver is designed for beginning disc golf players and is brightly coloedr.Is perfect for any thrower with lower arm speed. 它有一個低速驅動器,適合滾動射擊. This disc golf is very beginner-friendly, 滑翔器為新球員提供了一個漂亮的更長的圓盤高爾夫球道發球桿. 它為飛盤高爾夫球手提供了更遠的投擲距離 250 腳
This disc golf disc is made with advanced materials and elaborated craft,這款彩色圓盤高爾夫球盤具有透明的外觀. The Phoenix line disc golf is not easy to break and scuff
If you’re looking for a great first golf drivers for your first-ever round of disc golf, 這款圓盤高爾夫球盤是您想要的最佳選擇. You can throw this disc golf disc with low power on a angle, 它會簡單地向上翻轉並直線滑行. 低功耗遠距離驅動如此簡單
The disc golf disc has PDGA/WFDF Approved, 設計提供比傳統高爾夫球盤具有更大轉動慣量的盤. 航班等級如下: 速度=6, 滑翔=5, 轉=-2, 褪色=1.5, 直徑=8.34英寸