




飛盤高爾夫 是一種類似傳統高爾夫的遊戲, 但使用飛碟或 Frisbee® 進行投擲和擊打, 目標是用盡可能少的投擲次數完成每個洞. 這項運動起源於1970年代, 第一個官方標準桿課程成立於 1975. 儘管人們認為飛盤高爾夫相對較新, 它實際上已經存在了近一個世紀.

飛盤高爾夫因其便利性而越來越受歡迎, 低成本, 並吸引所有年齡和能力的人. 與傳統高爾夫相比, 飛盤高爾夫球 does not require a green fee to be paid, 只需要一架便宜的飛碟即可參加. 另外, 飛盤高爾夫球 courses usually require only a small amount of land, 例如,九洞球場可能只有五英畝. These characteristics make 飛盤高爾夫球 a family-friendly and multi-generational activity.


Choosing the right Discs is crucial for beginners, as it will directly affect their learning curve and understanding of the game. 在 Disc golf sports, there are three main types of Disc: Driver, Mid-Range, and Putt/Approach. Each Disc has its specific purpose and advantages, so choosing the right Discs is very important for beginners.


Diving into the world of 飛盤高爾夫球 can be as exciting as it is daunting, with a plethora of disc options available. To help beginners navigate this challenge, we’ve compiled a list of the best disc 高爾夫球 discs tailored for newcomers, based on expert recommendations and community insights.


光碟類型: 司機, 中頻,Fairway Drivers,推桿, 推桿 & Approach

Each type of disc plays a specific role in a player’s bag, which is akin to a golfer’s set of clubs. Beginners should start by understanding the basic functions of each disc type and gradually expand their collection as they progress in the sport.

  • 司機 are for reaching long distances.
  • 中頻 offer a reliable option for medium-range shots.
  • Fairway Drivers are the middle ground for control and distance.
  • 推桿 are essential for the precision needed around the basket.
  • 推桿 & Approach discs provide versatility for various short to medium-range shots.

航班評級: 速度, 滑行, 轉動, 和淡出

Flight ratings are standardized measurements that describe how a disc flies through the air. These ratings are essential for disc golfers to select the right discs for their game. Here’s a breakdown of the four key flight ratings:


  • Definition: Speed refers to the initial velocity the disc reaches when thrown.
  • Impact: A higher speed rating means the disc can cover more distance with each throw.
  • Range: Speed ratings typically range from 1 到 14, with higher numbers indicating faster discs.


  • Definition: Glide is the disc’s ability to maintain loft and airtime, which affects how far it travels.
  • Impact: Higher glide ratings allow the disc to stay in the air longer, which can be beneficial for reaching greater distances.
  • Range: Glide ratings also usually range from 1 到 7, with higher numbers indicating more glide.


  • Definition: Turn is the amount of leftward (用於右手反手投球) or rightward (for right-handed forehand throws) curve the disc takes immediately after being released.
  • Impact: A higher turn rating means the disc will curve more significantly during the initial phase of its flight.
  • Range: Turn ratings are usually negative numbers, with more negative values indicating a stronger turning tendency.


  • Definition: 淡入度是光碟自然轉回右側的速率 (用於右手反手投球) 或向左 (for right-handed forehand throws) 最初轉彎後.
  • Impact: 具有較高褪色等級的飛盤將以更明顯的轉彎完成其飛行路徑.
  • Range: 褪色等級為正數, 數值越高表示精加工轉彎越強.


飛盤高爾夫是一項需要各種裝備來應對球場提出的不同挑戰的運動. 以下是主要光碟類型的概述:


  • 目的: 專為從發球檯初次投擲時實現最大距離而設計.
  • 特徵: 通常具有高速和滑翔等級, 使他們能夠通過一次投擲覆蓋球道的很大一部分.
  • 用法: 由於速度和穩定性更高,需要更多的臂力和技術技能.


  • 目的: Serve as a versatile option for a variety of shots, especially in the middle to latter part of the hole.
  • 特徵: These discs have a balance of speed, glide, turn, and fade, making them reliable for both distance and accuracy.
  • 用法: Ideal for players looking for a predictable flight pattern that can be used for both straight and hyzer shots.

Fairway Drivers

  • 目的: Named for their utility on the fairway, these discs are used for shots that require more control than drivers but more distance than midranges.
  • 特徵: Fairway drivers are understable and have a straight flight with a predictable fade at the end.
  • 用法: Perfect for players who want to cover distance without the risk of overshoot that comes with high-speed drivers.


  • 目的: Used for short-range shots, including putting from just outside the circle.
  • 特徵: Putters are designed with low speed, minimal turn, 以及快速後退,一旦落地就迅速停止.
  • 用法: 對於準確性和控制至關重要, 尤其是在果嶺上和近距離擊球時.

推桿 & Approach

  • 目的: 這些飛盤屬於混合類別,可用於推桿和需要更遠距離的近距離擊球.
  • 特徵: 它們在推桿的穩定性和中距離的滑動之間提供了平衡, 飛行路線既不太轉彎也不太穩定.
  • 用法: 非常適合需要在多種情況下都能表現良好的光碟的玩家, 提供鏡頭選擇的靈活性.



技術水平和打球風格是選擇飛盤高爾夫球的重要因素. 不同的技術水平和打法對飛盤高爾夫性能的要求不同. 例如, 高級玩家可能需要更準確、更耐用的飛盤高爾夫球, 而初學者可能會更喜歡更輕、更容易控制的飛盤高爾夫球

物理屬性: 臂力, 發布風格

手臂力量和釋放方式也會影響飛盤高爾夫的選擇. 手臂較大的玩家可能更適合使用較重的飛盤, 因為它們在飛行中更穩定. 手臂較小的玩家可能更適合使用輕型圓盤高爾夫球來更好地控制其飛行路徑


場地條件和要求也是選擇飛盤高爾夫球時要考慮的因素. 例如, a Disc Golf flying over open grass has different requirements than a Disc Golf flying between forests or buildings. 開闊場地上的飛盤高爾夫需要更大的飛行範圍和更好的恢復能力, 而森林或建築物之間的飛盤高爾夫則需要更多的操控性和靈活性


The type of material and plastic used in a frisbee has a significant effect on its properties. In general, high-quality flying discs are usually made of durable plastic materials such as TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) or ABS (acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer), which have good elasticity and wear resistance. 另外, the color and texture of the Disc Golf also affect its aerodynamic performance, which affects flight stability




  • Star Plastic: This plastic has the best grip and durability, is bright in color and wears slowly, allowing players to use these disks for a long time.
  • Champion Plastic: Innova’s original ultra-durable plastic, these discs wear slowly and can be used for hundreds of rounds.
  • Pro Plastic: Made from a unique blend of plastics designed to increase grip strength and glide performance, 比 DX 塑膠更耐用.
  • DX塑膠: 以實惠的價格提供最廣泛的型號和重量選擇,在所有天氣條件下具有良好的抓地力.
  • R-Pro 塑料: 這種柔軟的橡膠材質在寒冷和潮濕的天氣中提供更好的抓地力,並有助於吸收衝擊力, 使光碟落地時難以移動.



  • Star Plastic: 由於其出色的抓地力和緩慢的磨損率, 星塑是大多數玩家的正確選擇, 特別是當它需要長距離投擲時.
  • Champion Plastic: 這種塑膠特別適合職業玩家, 因為其耐磨性和長壽命使其更適合高速投擲.
  • Pro Plastic: Pro Plastic combines grip power and glide performance for players who want stability while flying.
  • DX塑膠: This plastic offers a variety of options and holds a good grip in all weather conditions, making it ideal for beginners.
  • R-Pro 塑料: Provides excellent grip in cold and wet weather, suitable for players who need to play or practice in adverse weather conditions.


It is important for beginners to choose the right plastic to ensure they get the best experience and gradually improve their skills:

  • DX塑膠: This plastic is the best choice for beginners due to its wide selection of models and weights, affordability, and good grip in all weather conditions.
  • D-LINE: This plastic is suitable for beginners because it provides good flight characteristics and stability, which helps beginners master basic skills.

In summary, different plastic types have a significant impact on the performance and durability of a disc 高爾夫球 disc. Beginners should prioritize DX Plastic and D-LINE as they offer a good grip and the ability to adapt to a variety of weather conditions while also meeting the basic needs of beginners.



適合新玩家的 Discraft 光碟

Discraft has long been a favorite among disc golf enthusiasts, and for good reason. Their discs are known for their reliability and the variety they offer to beginners.

  • Pro-D and Elite X Plastics: Starting with Discraft’s Pro-D or Elite X plastics is advisable. These are more affordable and slightly easier to throw with less experienced arms. They are perfect for mastering the basics before graduating to more expensive options.
  • Discraft XL: A notable mention is the Discraft XL in Pro-D plastic, 因其穩定性評級而受到青睞 “0,” 使其成為直飛航班的理想選擇.
  • 中音光碟: Discraft 的中音唱片, 比如 Buzz SS, 彗星, 和流星, 因其可預測的飛行路徑和邊緣抓地力而受到讚譽, 對於開發短遊戲至關重要.

創新光碟 – 初學者最好的朋友

英諾瓦 也因其適合初學者的光碟而脫穎而出, 旨在幫助新玩家建立信心和技能.

  • 創新馬科3: 以其控制力和一致性而聞名, Mako3 是一款不會讓人失望的首選中音光碟.
  • 創新豹: 經典選擇, Leopard 提供速度與控制的平衡, 使其成為掌握球道開球的完美選擇.


飛盤高爾夫社區 紅迪網 為初學者提供了寶貴的建議, 強調選擇適合個人演奏風格和喜好的正確光碟的重要性.

  • 必備光碟: Reddit 用戶推薦多種驅動程式, 中頻, 和推桿, 專注於新玩家更容易控制的不穩定盤.
  • 鮮為人知的品牌: 該社群也強調探索不太知名的品牌和模具的價值,這些品牌和模具可能不那麼受歡迎,但為初學者提供獨特的好處.


學習飛盤高爾夫需要不斷練習並精進技術. 這包括正確的握力, 使用髖部旋轉, 伸展投擲手臂, 避免眼睛幹擾, 引導投擲運動, 並在完成後進行跟進. 另外, 需要注重速度和平衡的訓練,以確保每次投擲都有足夠的力量和方向控制.

初學者一開始可能會遇到很多挑戰, 但透過不斷的實踐和學習, 他們可以逐漸提升自己的技能. 例如, 透過練習長投增強力量和控制力,透過模擬比賽熟悉比賽節奏和策略. 同時, 理解和應用不同的投擲技術和策略也是提高表現的關鍵.

飛盤高爾夫不僅僅是一種身體鍛煉, 但也需要心理素質和耐力. 專注, 冷靜和耐心是成功的重要因素. 另外, 飛盤高爾夫是一項團隊運動, 和朋友一起練習和比賽可以增加樂趣,提高學習效率.

簡而言之, 飛盤高爾夫的學習曲線涉及許多方面, 包括對基本規則的理解, 選擇合適的飛盤高爾夫球, 技術的培訓和提高, 策略的應用, 和心理素質的發展. 透過系統的學習和不斷的實踐, 初學者可以逐漸掌握這項運動並享受其中的樂趣.




這是學習飛盤高爾夫最重要的投擲技巧之一. 反手出界是用非持臂投擲, 適合初學者開始練習.


與反手發球相反, 正手發球是用握臂拋出的. 這兩種方法是飛盤高爾夫最基本的投擲方法.



使用風扇手柄, 將圓盤高爾夫球握在手掌上,食指抵住邊緣, 你的拇指抵住頂部, 另外三根手指放在底部. 站立姿勢應直接面向目標架, 你可以稍微偏向目標框架,但不能偏向目標框架; 擺動手臂時保持上身直立, 始終將圓盤高爾夫保持在您的面前.


以五件為原則, 旨在減少投擲距離 30 到 40 米, 想像你想要丟的路線, 並實現 30 完美投擲. 每次練習距離八米, 打 30 件, 以便 333 練習方法.


兩名球員站著 10 相距數米並互相投擲, 使用軸轉動和投擲技術. 準確性很重要, 接收者不必跑來接收盤子.


飛盤高爾夫運動需要有良好的技術水平, 包括投擲, 接收, 透過, ETC。, 需要不斷練習才能掌握.
你應該透過專注於你最不擅長的事情並克服這些弱點來進行練習. 選擇合適的練習場地和合作夥伴也很重要,可以幫助你發現自己的不足並加以改進.



繼續播放光碟時, 應穿過外緣或中心孔,避免接觸標記面.
存放光碟時, 應垂直放置在專用塑膠盒中, 遠離陽光直射, 熱, 潮濕和極冷.


如果光碟表面有污垢或指紋, 可以用乾淨的軟布沾上溫和的中性清潔劑溶液,從中心到邊緣輕輕擦拭.
請勿使用溶劑 (如苯, 更薄), 清潔劑, 或靜電噴霧來清潔光碟.
對於頑固污漬, 您可以使用 CD/DVD 清潔劑清潔它們, isopropyl alcohol or methanol.


Scratches, dents, or severe wear on the surface of the disk may affect read and write performance.
If the disc appears to skip frames when reading or does not play properly, it may be a sign that the disc is damaged.
Excessive vibration during storage may cause data loss or physical damage.

To sum up, the key to maintaining and maintaining discs lies in proper handling and storage methods, as well as regular cleaning. When the disc has physical damage or performance degradation, you should consider replacing the disc with a new one.



You can visit the official PDGA website (pdga.com) for more information on disc golf rules and tournament guidelines.
Websites such as turniere/discgolf.de offer a wealth of discgolf information and help.
Online platforms such as Smashboxx TV, 鏈叮噹響, 王牌跑步專業版, 等人也提供了許多盤高爾夫相關的影片內容.


職業飛盤高爾夫協會的飛盤高爾夫官方規則 13 比賽手冊​​詳細介紹了飛盤高爾夫的規則和比賽指南.
教育盤高爾夫體驗, 公司. Comprehensive Guide to disc golf Instruction and Activities Inc. 適合初學者和教練的飛盤高爾夫教學和活動綜合指南.
這本書, 飛盤高爾夫的遊戲化, 分析飛盤高爾夫的遊戲化及其對錶現的影響.


The PDGA official website has a dedicated forum to exchange experiences with other disc golf enthusiasts.
Twitter等社群媒體平台上也有很多與飛盤高爾夫相關的團體和社區, 不和諧, Facebook, 和Instagram, where newcomers can join and participate in discussions.

Through the above resources, beginners can systematically learn the basics of disc golf, rules and practical skills, and find like-minded friends to communicate and progress with.


Selecting the right 飛盤高爾夫球 discs as a beginner is crucial. Whether you’re exploring Discraft’s Pro-D plastics, Innova’s classic molds, or community favorites from Reddit, the key is to find discs that enhance your learning experience and align with your play style. As you advance, you’ll naturally gravitate towards discs that offer more complex flights and cater to your growing skills.

Remember, disc golf is a journey of skill development and enjoyment. Embrace the learning process, 並明智地選擇您的光碟,以確保您在課程中取得成功.



